【高分必殺技】Lena老師 IELTS雅思寫作Part 1
【Task1 常見圖表】
1. Table 表格2. Line graph 曲線圖
3. Bar chart 柱狀圖
4. Pie chart 圓餅圖
5. Process diagram 流程圖
6. Flow chat 過程圖
1. 單字 (例: 8 million,非8 millions)2. 文法 (例: Sales has dropped since May)
3. 段落關聯性
1. 客觀 (只描述圖上資訊,不做推論)2. 準確 (數字要抄對,不確定則寫大約)
3. 透徹 (文章完整但不需結論或給意見)
1. Introduction: 一句話重述題目*兩張圖表
2. Body1: 說明表一
3. Body2: 說明表二
4. Body3: 說明表一和表二的差異
3. Body2: 說明表二
4. Body3: 說明表一和表二的差異
1. Introduction: 一句話重述題目
2. Body1: 說明品項一
3. Body2: 說明品項二
4. Body3: 說明品項一和品項二的差異
3. Body2: 說明品項二
4. Body3: 說明品項一和品項二的差異
*一句話口訣:Chart + Topic + Dates
1.The line graph shows the changes in sales over six years.
2.The pie chart demonstrates the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia in 1999.
3.The table indicates the number of students who went abroad in five different countries between 2005 and 2010.
【常用好句-Line graph】
1. Coffee sales fell dramatically in May.
2. The number of graduates from William College increased sharply from 2000 to 2002.1. Coffee sales fell dramatically in May.
3. There was a noticeable drop in employee turnover after the raise.
4. There was a surprising increase in the number of tourists visiting Taiwan in June.
4. There was a surprising increase in the number of tourists visiting Taiwan in June.
5. Greenhouse gas emission has risen continuously over the last five years.
【常用好句-Pie chart / Bar chart】
1. More than 20% of the employees are from downtown area.
2. A small percentage of the students have dropped out of school before their senior years.1. More than 20% of the employees are from downtown area.
3. The percentage of students who drop out of school has fallen considerably since the new principal took office.
1. Task1 圖表題只佔1/3比重,所以不要花太多時間專研。
2. 把握寫作重點,抓住技巧,靈活運用關鍵字和常用句型,就可以拿高分。